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Why WaterSense products make sense

Why WaterSense products make sense
When preparing to install or upgrade plumbing fixtures, there are several factors to consider—style, fit and functionality to name a few. But there’s one more important consideration that should be top of mind for any product that’s tied into your water system: Does it carry the  WaterSense® label? It is easier than ever to ensure that you’re doing your part to re …

Smart Thermostats – The Smart Choice

Smart Thermostats – The Smart Choice
If yours is anything like the average American home, a massive 55 percent of what you spend on energy each year goes on heating and cooling. For most households, keeping the temperature comfortable is the single largest energy expense. So being smart about how you control your temperature settings can save you a hefty chunk of energy – and money. Of course, you coul …

Learn How Water Savings Can Turn Into Electric Savings

Learn How Water Savings Can Turn Into Electric Savings
Did you know your water-saving showerhead or faucet aerator can save you electricity? Electricity and water are interconnected: the production and use of one affects the other. The most obvious effect water has on electricity is that saving hot water can help you save on your electric water-heating utilities. The less water to heat for a shower or washing dishes, the more …
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